Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Entering Dates with the Keyboard

You can enter dates in date fields by using the keyboard instead of the drop-down calendar. A date must be typed in the following format:
  • dd/mm/yy or
  • dd/mm/yyyy

If you use the two-digit format for the year, Workflow Manager interprets the date as follows: if the two digits correspond to a year that is less than 30 years in the future, the year is treated as a year in the future; otherwise the digits are interpreted as a year in the past. If you enter a year with all four digits, the year is displayed as two digits. To check the interpretation of a two-digit date, click the year in the date field to display it as four digits.

Current Year Entry for Year Interpreted Year
2000 21 2021
2000 30 1930
2010 30 2030